news transfer from the Oriental Morning Post (Dong Fang Zao Bao)
March 2, 2007
translated by Jerry's Kingdom
From F4, Jerry Yan later set up his own company StarJerry, and in the recent years his work sharply declined, as ad endorsements were not as many. In order to expand his career, he changed direction since the second half of last year, and repeatedly worked with different management firms. At present, Faye Wong's manager Katie Chen is already responsible for Jerry's HK and overseas movies and TV projects, while for his advertisement endorsements in China . he went to look for Shanghai's most famous Fashion and PR Group Boss Melvin Chua who owns Ying Shang Ad Agency.
This two years, Huan Yu boss Lin Jian Yue had always wanted to have Jerry in his banner, and would go to Jerry every time he is in Taiwan,. However, Jerry hasn't walked away from his shadow all along, and would always turn down Lin's contract.
Jerry just started SJ & he was busy with TH for the better part of 2005 & early 2006, its only in latter part of 2006 that he has time to focus on SJ. other Tw artiste mgt co. set up branches in HK or China or work with the local mgt co. there to get projects , so what Jerry is doing is normal business.
Katie Chen, Melvin Chua & Lin Jian Yue are not small fries, so Jerry having a work r'ship with them is a good starting point for Jerry in building up his connections.
Jerry made a wise decision in going solo, only then is he able to work towards his dreams.
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