My first time to see Jerry Yan at NBC Tent for Bench endorsement. I ask my brother Azrael to cover the event. His first experience in vlogging! I'll write a blog post about this memorable-chaotic-unforgettable experience!
Mar 19 2011 [China Times] Jerry Yan Worked at Hotlines without Break for 2.5 Hours
Jerry Yan feels very strong about Japan since he has a large fan base there. He attended the fundraising last night and kept
a very low profile. He did not accept any media interview and barely waved at the camera when asked. He focused on taking
donations over the phone for the entire stay. He did not even take any water or restroom break for 2.5 hours. He took over
a hundred phone calls despite the medical condition of his ears. The staff passed along a note to remind him to take a break.
However he was too focused to notice the reminder.
He would answer the phone by giving his name at the beginning but had to withhold himself later since people were asking for his personal phone number. He handled the details very carefully such as the accuracy of the addresses. In some cases he had to use the phonetics to correctly label some unfamiliar addresses. The largest single donation amount was NT$500,000 from a female donor.
Jerry was only expected to have a short stay but he was so focused and lost track of time. He has to rush to the next job
after 2.5 hours and missed the chances to meet other F4 members who joined later.
TAIPEI: Taiwan celebrities turned out in force for the "Believe in Hope, Fight and Smile" live television charity show on Friday, reported Taiwan media.
The show managed to raise NT$778 million (S$33.3 million) for victims of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, reported Taiwan media.
Stars like Jerry Yan and A-Mei manned the phones to receive call-in donations from the show's 120 donation hotlines.
Others, such as singers Jam Hsiao and Fei Yu Qing performed their hits and urged viewers to donate over the course of the four-hour show.
Many Taiwan stars led by example and donated as well – singer-director Wang Li-Hom and supermodel Lin Chiling both donated NT$2 million (S$85,000) while soon-to-be married Barbie Hsu gave NT$500,000 (S$21,000).
Some stars also donated personal items for a charity auction.
This is not the first time Taiwan celebrities have come together to help victims of the recent natural disaster in Japan.
Singer Christine Fan, illusionist Liu Qian, actress Ariel Lin and a host of other stars participated in the "Send Love to Japan, 311 Disaster Relief Night" on Thursday which raised NT$115 million (S$4.9 million) for disaster victims.
The massive 9.0 magnitude quake and the deadly tsunami it triggered is Japan's worst natural disaster in nearly a century, leaving 8,450 people dead and another 12,931 missing.
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According to news, TW will hold a charity show for Japan on Mar 18, and the hosting committee is trying to arrange the regroup of F4 in the show for encouraging the contribution from TW people and motivating the Japanese victims.
Jerry was interviewed with Chen Wei Quan.
Host asked him how did he know about the earthquake?
Jerry said that he was busy with something and he was informed by phone.
When asked how did he feel when he firstly knew about it?
He said that it was quite hard to believe at first. Then after he went home and watched some scenes in the news, he has felt heavyhearted even until now.
Then the host mentioned as Jerry had a lot of supporters in Japan and Japan's a place where he had gone a lot, did he ask himself what he could do to help?
Jerry said certainly. Actually, for the last few days, he had been discussing with his company what he could do to actually help them, including making contribution, but today, after discussed with his company, he realized that actually they needed materials more than money at this time, such as generators, something to keep warm, etc... So he contacted some friends and see how they should prepare.
Then the host mentioned that other than earthquake and tsunami, Japan is also snowing.
Chen Wei Quan said that he couldn't imagine how tough the situation is, as he was grown up in Malaysia, and he can't even handle TW's winter, not mentioning snowing. Therefore, Chen believed that people in Japan need a lot of warmth at this time. When he sent a sms to Jerry and invited him to join the event, "Pray 4 Japan, Save The World" that afternoon, Jerry agreed immediately, so Chen thanked Jerry for his kindness.
The host also thanked Jerry for his quick promise and initiation to help.
At 3:49 of the clip, the host asked Jerry to say something to his Japanese fans. Jerry said, "Actually for the happening of this disaster, I am quite saddened. I really hope that we can give our greatest power. Although there is no comparsion of the effort between one and the other, each individual's contribution (is valuable), like when Wei Quan asked me to join the function (i.e., Pray 4 Japan, Save The World), I agreed immediately, and hope to stand up, to participate. I thank the ones who initiated this event, and it allows more people to join and to participate. It doesn't matter money, materials, or resources, let's give our biggest effort to help them."
The host said that a lot of Jerry fans should be able to hear his call. Although Jerry is in TW and it is not appropriate for him to go to Japan at this time, this kind of natural disasters didn't happen only in Japan, like the ones happened a while ago in Yunnan, New Zealand, Chile, etc..., so this function is to care the whole world, not just praying for Japan, but also saving the world. Then hope that this world can recover to its original beauty.
2011.3.13 阿旭的關心~言承旭微博最新更新 Mar. 13, 2011 Update on Jerry Yan’s Sina Mini-Blog 這幾天,看到了一些災難的消息,看到新聞裡的畫面,一幕幕的那些景象,讓我好痛心、好難過… 那些曾是我工作過的地方、那些是關心著我也是我關心著的朋友們的家園遭逢如此的遽變…先是澳洲、再來是雲南、直到昨天的日本... 好痛好痛,對於這些已發生的災變 好擔心好擔心,對於這些正經歷著困境的我的朋友們 我們要一起加油 加油著怎麼度過這一關,認真站起來 天佑大家 天佑這個世界 天佑你們~我所關心的所有朋友們 Jerry
Mar. 13, 2011 Update on Jerry Yan’s Sina Mini-Blog
The catastrophic news and scenes in the past few days were heartbreaking and made me very sad. These were the places where I have worked. These were the hometowns of my dear caring friends, earlier the disaster in Australia, then the earthquakes in Yunnan and Japan….
It’s so agonizing and painful!! I am extremely concerned about the conditions there. To those who are facing the danger and tragedy, my dear friends, let’s stand together to overcome this great difficulty and make all efforts to rebuild and recover! God bless the world! God bless you, my dear friends!
~ Jerry