i週刊 i weekly No.656 ~ 27 MAY 2010
文﹕楊麗玲 照片提供﹕{9314男人與男孩} TEXT : Yang Li Ling Photos : {9314 Man & Boy}
I seldom bother about fans’ requests. It’s because of my character as well as some previous not so pleasant experiences.
Yet on a certain day, Ms T who adores Jerry Yan sent me a short email. She was very polite and expressed that she wanted to send me a copy of Jerry Yan’s newly released pictorial ~ {9314 Man & Boy} as a gesture of thanks on behalf of her Idol.
When I sent an email to thank her, I unintentionally mentioned how I was having loads of trouble arranging for an interview. Ms T said that she could help out.
Within a few days, I received news unexpectedly. Everyone was in disbelief. Even when the TV Station and Record Company were not able to do anything, a fan easily did it. And there wasn’t any need to censor the questions as well.
Ms T emailed the details of the interview to Jerry out of kind consideration. Thus he had some idea before we started.
Perhaps because of this, Jerry felt at ease during the 40 minutes interview.
I’ve come across many types of fans but those who are rational and understanding to their Idol are few and far between.
對阿旭說﹐他的粉絲太奇特﹐笑他究竟如何“教育”。。。“其實我沒有誒﹐坦白講﹐我應該是比較被喜歡我的朋友教育吧。哈哈﹗很多時候她們會給我加油﹑支持 ﹐告訴我哪方面做得不好。我比較像個小孩子﹐她們不斷在旁邊糾正我﹑關心我。很多喜歡我的朋友都是大姐姐﹑也有一些媽媽﹐我反而像是她們的小孩子﹐她們不 斷給我很多力量﹐指引我走在對的路上。好像是反過來﹐我還覺得蠻不好意思的。”他說。
Told Jerry that his fans are really special and joked about how he actually “educated”them”… “I didn’t really. Frankly speaking, I am the one that is educated by those who like me. Ha ha ! Many a time they would encourage me, support me and even tell me areas that I could work on. I’m more like a kid and they are always by the side, correcting me and caring for me. Many of my friends are like big sisters to me and some are even mothers themselves. In fact, I’m more like their child, they kept giving me so much strength and directing me to the right path. It’s like the reverse actually. I do feel quite embarrassed by that. ”he said.
His luggage was over-weight from their gifts and yet he still lagged them from all over the world back to Taipei. Kept them stored in an empty house. In the An Hui Province of China, they set up “Jerry Yan Chun Rui School” out of their own pockets and maintained it all these years through their own efforts by doing charity for their Idol.
I recalled a few years back, he said to me, “When I grow old one day, the friends that like me will also be of age. I hope that everyone will at least remember that whilst supporting their Idol, they also did something good.”
他一直貫徹﹐也做到了。He’s always been a man of his words and he really did it.
Ms T gave me the sweets that Yu Ping/Jerry Yan gave to Yang Guo/Ella in the serial {Down With Love}. The gift though small but really full of thought.
Tens of thousands of fans maketh a Star. Yet a Star enlightening the fans really makes the world a much better place.
PS: After reading this article, I just had to translate it for everyone.
The cover story 言承旭 JERRY YAN ~ 不是人見人愛 Not a Darling in Everyone’s Eyes is rather long.
I'll try to get some done when my exams are over this Saturday.
言承旭 JERRY YAN ~ 不是人見人愛 Not a Darling in Everyone’s Eyes
楊麗玲獨家專訪 : Exclusive Interview by Yang Li Ling
他最愛{小王子}。His favourite book is {The Little Prince}.
To everyone, the picture is merely a hat but only he, the Little Prince can see that it is a huge elephant digesting a huge python.
Since he belonged to a different planet and thus he naturally goes against the norm.
人見人愛需要天分。他說。He said to be loved by everyone is a natural gift.
不強求。Not to be forced.
“我們一起去過蒙古誒。” “We went to Mongolia together.”
His rather excited voice came through the phone receiver and yet I didn’t get a chance to say anything of my usual polite greeting.
That was the end of 2006, we had gone to Mongolia with the World Vision. He came to Singapore for the promotion in early 2007 and we have not spoken since then.
The impressions I had of him were A) he doesn’t cooperate with the media’s sensationalizing efforts; B) he does help to carry the luggage and ‘mops up’ his assistant’s left-over food.
I was taken aback when he calls my name directly.
對啊。你還好嗎﹖By the way, are you alright?
“I don’t sound alright?” he laughed very loudly, filled with boyish mischief.
Told him that I read his pictorial several times over.
“Really? Really? You really did. Ha ha!” He was like a kid, laughing so happily.
Yes and I was touched by what his friends wrote about him.
人物A ﹕窮到因為買健身用品會有折扣而主動跑去認識的死黨大毛。
Character A : His pal, Da Mao. Jerry took the initiative to befriended Da Mao as he wanted a discount when buying health products.
朋友情緒低落﹐他犧牲在香港紅館彩排演唱會僅有的時間﹐長途電話里聽人家訴苦1個多小時連飯都沒吃。他會突然出現在朋友頂下的爛游泳池跟他一起刷油漆﹐刷 了一天隔日清晨又飛出國開演唱會。
When his pal was down in the dumps, he sacrificed the only time he had during rehearsals at the Hong Kong Coliseum. Listening to an hour without even eating his dinner. Da Mao took over a dilapidated swimming pool, Jerry suddenly appeared to paint with him. He spent the whole day and had to fly overseas for a concert early the next morning.
Character B : Xiao Qiu, his Secondary Schoolmate and Nintendo game playmate.
好兄弟和人打架﹐他捅蜂窩助陣。想追他姐姐﹐他幫着約卻跟着去吃牛排。手機號碼15年沒換﹐會突然把車子停下來拿紅包給拾荒老婦人﹐也會為了幫人而拿 1000台幣買口糖或一朵花。
When he got into a fight, he throw a bee-hive to help-out. Xiao Qiu wanted to chase after his sister, he helped him ask her out and also followed along to eat a free steak. His mobile phone number hasn’t changed for the past 15 years. When he sees an old lady picking from the trash, he would give her a red packet. Or he would buy some gum or a flower for NT$1000.
Character C : Works at a restaurant by day, a pub by night and the occasional modeling assignment, he got to know stylist, Chen Sun Hua.
They quarreled over work and he deliberately distanced himself for a whole year. When the stylist’s father passed away, he drove from Taipei, took a train, crossed an entire mountain to get to Hua Lian, just to pay his respects.
這個人﹐做的事還包括。。。。。。What he did also includes . . . . . . .
When he gets excited over music, he would give someone a stereo system.
When he sees someone touching a dog, he would give that person a dog a few days later.
In order to help a friend out, he bought a car for NT$280,000 but that ‘friend’ disappeared. That’s why he still drives a lousy car and yet he doesn’t mind as he is the only victim.
If all the above stories were true,
this boy/man is extra-ordinarily kind.
玲 ﹕把過去的記憶掏出來﹐坦蕩蕩再重新面對﹐有什麼感覺﹖
Ling : How do you feel after you’ve taken out all those past memories and has to face them all over again?
Jerry : Oh . . . . . . I didn’t really mean to bring up anything specifically. I just wanted to write about my experienced. To me, be it good or bad, they are all part of my journey in Life and are all very important to me.
玲 ﹕向來比較私密﹑低調的你﹐不害怕給人看到太多的自己﹖
Ling : You’ve always been very private and low-key, aren’t you afraid that others might know too much?
旭 ﹕倒還好誒。因為我也不太做壞事﹐哈﹐所以也不會害怕。
Jerry : I think it’s fine. Since I haven’t done anything bad so I needn’t be afraid.
Ling : I find the experiences with your old classmates and pals very interesting. It feels like though you are the Big Star, Jerry Yan, you haven’t changed?
Jerry : That’s right. Basically, I haven’t changed much. The only real change I feel is that I’ve become more considerate in dealing with others.
玲 ﹕現在的自己﹐要回到從前的日子﹐還可以嗎﹖
Ling : Do you think it’s possible that the ‘you’ now could return to good old days?
旭 ﹕哈哈哈哈﹗應該很難吧。
Jerry : Ha ha ha ha! It would be very difficult.
玲 ﹕有沒有哪一段記憶是你懷念的﹖
Ling : Is there a period in time where you miss?
旭 ﹕學生時代最無憂無慮很開心﹐可能年輕時的一些過程有時候也讓我蠻懷念的吧。
Jerry : My school days were very carefree and very happy. I rather miss those times when I was younger.
玲 ﹕ 已經從男孩變男人了﹖覺得自己最大的成長是什麼﹖
Ling : Have you changed from a boy into a man? Where do you think you have grown the most?
旭 ﹕其實我覺得我是從男孩變成大男孩﹐哈哈哈﹐應該離男人還蠻大的距離吧。最大的成長﹐應該是比較看得到別人的辛苦吧。
Jerry : Actually I feel that I have changed from a boy to an older boy, ha ha ha. It should be a while more before I become a man. The most growth should be that I can now see the hardships of others.
玲 ﹕在這個圈子﹐當一個男孩會不會其實蠻辛苦的﹖
Ling : Being in this Line, isn’t it rather difficult to be a boy?
旭 ﹕唔﹐非常哦。畢竟人家不會用男孩的角度去看待言承旭啊﹐所以當言承旭做得不好或者他可以有時候不夠懂事不夠成熟的時候﹐大家會把它放大去檢視言承旭﹐所 以這個時候會很多的。。。。。。哈哈哈哈。
Jerry : Yes, very much so. Most people won’t see Jerry Yan as a boy so when he isn’t doing well or might be inconsiderate or immature at times, they would blow it up and scrutinize. So during that point in time there would be many . . . . . . ha ha ha ha.
玲 ﹕你真的一直覺得自己做得不夠好嗎﹖
Ling : Do you really feel that you’re still not good enough?
旭 ﹕當然啊。人生裡面有非常多事情需要學習﹐我還在努力地適應當中啊。我還是會告訴自己﹐儘量當一個最真實。。。。。。我其實個性蠻孩子氣的。我不希望自己 變得太會做人吧。我希望自己很認真﹑很誠懇地面對身邊每一個人﹐但不是要去演一個好像好人或是好像很懂事的人﹐那個就太不像我了。
Jerry : Of course, I do. There are many things to learn in Life and I’m working hard at adapting. I will still tell myself and try to be the truest . . . . . .I am actually rather childish. I hope that I do not become too mature. I hope that I can be very earnest and very sincere in facing everyone around me. But being too goody goody or too considerate, that isn’t like me really.
玲 ﹕要在這個圈子生存﹐男孩是不是終究有一天還是得變男人﹖
Ling : To survive in this Line, a boy would eventually become a man one day?
旭 ﹕對﹐那個所謂的變﹐是學會去體諒。比如說以前工作很累很忙時﹐可能只會看到自己。我覺得很辛苦﹐好累﹐現在比較不一樣的是﹐自己再怎麼樣辛苦的時候﹐還 是會注意得到旁邊的人﹐我覺得工作人員很辛苦﹐包括拍戲的工作人員也會很累﹐當我看得到別人的辛苦的時候﹐就會變得更體貼﹐會去想要對身邊的人好。那也會 讓我很開心。
Jerry : That’s right but that supposed change is learning to understanding to others. Like when I was very tired and busy at work, I would only see myself before. I would just feel that I’m very tired and it’s very hard work. But now it’s different, no matter how hard I’ve worked, I would still pay attention to those around me. I feel that the crew members are working very hard as well and they are even more tired than us. So when I see how hard they’ve worked, I become more understanding and want to treat them well. That makes me very happy.
玲 ﹕你說這些年來有些挫折讓你成長﹖
Ling : You said that there were some setbacks that made you grow in these few years?
旭 ﹕以前我覺得人不是生下來就懂得什麼叫做懂事﹐不是每一個人都是那麼善解人意﹑體貼或者人見人愛。我的工作環境﹐讓我愈來愈領悟到很多道理。我慢慢變得懂 事﹑懂得感恩﹑那是需要一些過程﹐遇到一些事件﹐才會讓我慢慢學習。唔﹐原來在外面做事真的要讓自己更圓滑地看待很多事情。
Jerry : Before, I’ve felt that nobody is born knowing how to be considerate to others. Not everyone is able to read other’s needs or is so considerate or a darling in everyone’s eyes. But I’ve gradually gained many insights through my work environment. I am slowly becoming more understanding and grateful. One needs to go through these things and I have gradually learnt from them. I’ve come to realize that it is only after so many things have happened that one can become more adaptable.
玲 ﹕你是常常會跟自己對話的人嗎﹖
Ling : Are you the sort that you often talk to yourself?
旭 ﹕偶爾會吧。有時候事情做不好﹐會罵自己﹐為什麼沒有做得更好啊。
Jerry : Occasionally. At times when I don’t do well, I would scold myself and chide myself for not doing better.
玲 ﹕最常跟自己說的話是什麼﹖
Ling : What do you often talk to yourself about?
旭 ﹕要再更加油吧。哈﹐人生中會有不同的時期﹑不同的難題﹐even現在很多朋友看到我﹐覺得我還可以﹐可是我可能也面對自己人生中很大的一個很痛苦的過程 ﹐我很努力地接受那個痛苦跟壓力﹐我相信那會讓我有更大的轉變。
Jerry : To do even better. Ha! Life has many different stages and difficulties. Even my friends think I’m doing fine now but I could be facing my own very painful stage. I will do my best to accept this pain and pressure. I believe that this would result in an every greater change in me.
玲 ﹕ 痛苦和壓力是源自附加在你身上沉重的明星枷鎖﹖
Ling : Could the pain and pressure be due to the burden of Stardom?
旭 ﹕也不盡然。有些人可能比較沒有想那麼多﹐我偏偏是那個想很多又很容易難過的人。所以我常常會看勵志片。比如前陣子我看了一個紀錄片﹐講盲人怎樣面對生活 ﹐他們需要多大的樂觀跟意志力去支撐他們一路走過來。你從來沒有想過原來我們有眼睛﹐可以看到很美的事物﹐可以看得到﹐原來是那麼棒的事情。或許在那個當 下﹐我心裡會很感恩﹐很感謝。
Jerry : Not exactly. Some people might not think too much but I am someone who thinks too much and easily gets upset. So I watch inspirational films. Like I was watching a documentary some time ago. It was about how the blind face the world. They have to be so positive in order to pull themselves through Life. You may not have thought about it but because we have eyes and can see the beauty in the world, that’s something great. At that moment I felt very grateful and thankful.
但畢竟很難啊﹐我們在這個社會上﹐時時刻刻會因為遇到事情﹐會有不同的心情﹐真的就是只能很努力地。。。。。。我是公眾人物﹐我希望可以把自己的樂觀﹑開 心的力量散播出去﹐不是讓人家看到我不好的一面。
It is really difficult. We are all in this society and every moment we have to face different situations and have different moods so we really can only work hard at . . . . . . I am a public figure so I hope that I can give my optimism and happiness to everyone so that they won’t see my not-so-good side.
玲 ﹕你好像總是會做一些讓人感覺很溫暖﹐但都是靜悄悄去做的事﹖
Ling : You seem to have done some heart-warming deeds but yet you do it quietly on the side?
旭 ﹕我小時候很調皮﹐很喜歡給身邊的人驚喜﹐可是平常可能表現出來就是一副很不在意的樣子。
Jerry : I was very mischievous when I was young. I enjoyed giving those around me surprises but I would appear to be nonchalant about it.
玲 ﹕是刻意掩飾你的感情﹖
Ling : Are you purposely trying to hide your feelings?
Jerry : Not really on suppose. It is a kind of habit since young. Like the way I show my concern for my mother is very different from how others would show concern to their mothers.
It seems that his car is the lousiest amongst all the Superstars.
他曾經夢想過要一臺跑車。He once had a dream of owning a sport car.
跑車﹐現在戴在媽媽手上。Now his mother is wearing ‘it’.
He conned his mother into a jade jewelry shop on pretense that he needs her hand to try a bangle as a gift for a friend. Once that $300,000 bangle is on her hand, he refused to let her take it off.
He was very happy that his dream of owning a sports car has come true.
寫真書﹐以一段逝去的愛情開卷。The pictorial book started with a love that has since gone.
這應該是一個愛情故事。This should have been a love story.
They started off very young in the story. As they grew and have gone through a lot together, far more beyond their youthful years . . . . . . yet once off-guard . . . . . .it became a love fairy tale.
這份情﹐很動人。This love is very touching.
The main characters are handsome and beautiful making it even more heart-wrenching.
I liked the part when the boy and girl went to Hakoune, Japan to the {Little Prince Musemum}. They were in love and landed on planet B612 . Later on, the boy and girl turned into the Prince and Princess.
The ever-present search lights are stalking them outside the castle. The story ended with the Prince fighting against all odds to be with the sickly Princess, both of them cried in each other’s arms.
公主是林志玲吧。The Princess should be Lin Zhi Ling.
He never spoke of this name but we shall keep it in our hearts.
I knew that he didn’t want to talk about it. It is after all water under the bridge.
Yet it is a pivotal memory in his Life and so I had to mention even if I didn’t wish to.
On the end of the receiver, his voice suddenly lowered. In between the off and on silence pauses, there was some soft laughter.
于心不忍。Really couldn’t bear to.
如此擾亂他心。To disturb his heart so.
玲 ﹕曾經愛得那麼深刻﹐還相信自己可以再遇到真愛﹖
Ling : After having loved so deeply, do you still believe you can find true love?
旭 ﹕誒﹐心裡應該會有期待吧。談戀愛其實是最美的﹐不是因為你賺多少錢﹐或是得到什麼﹐你永遠沒辦法用任何價值衡量﹐可是就是能讓你打從心裡面不由自主地開 心。我高中的時候比較內向﹐也不擅于表達自己﹐我可以暗戀一個學姐﹐整整暗戀3年﹐完全都沒有講﹐每天偶爾看到她﹐就會開心到。。。哇﹗那種心情﹐我到現 在還會記得。
Jerry : There should still be anticipation in my heart. Actually being in love is the most beautiful. Not matter how much you earn or what you have, you can never ever attach a monetary value on it. Yet when in love, you’ll be so touched to your heart that you can’t help but be happy. During my Senior High days, I was more of an introvert and wasn’t good at expressing myself. I had a crush on a Senior for 3 whole years and didn’t say a thing. But when I see her everyday, I was so happy . . . Wow! I can still remember that feeling.
玲 ﹕還可以愛得不顧一切﹖
Ling : Do think you can still not care about anything because of love?
旭 ﹕我現在還可以這樣子嗎﹖應該會多一點點理智吧。以前會﹐現在我想經歷了很多事情﹐自己在感情的處理上或多或少有改變。
Jerry : Can I be like that now? I should be more rational. In the past I would but after what I’ve been through, the manner in which I handle affairs of the heart will more or less change.
玲 ﹕你說過希望戀愛的對象平凡﹐而她也能喜歡你的平凡﹐但那麼多人崇拜的偶像﹐應該蠻難獲得很平凡愛情的幸福吧﹖
Ling : You said that you hope that the one you fall in love with is someone ordinary. So she can like you for being ordinary. But with so many people idolizing you, won’t it be difficult to enjoy the happiness of having a very ordinary love?
旭 ﹕不會啊。不要這樣想﹐永遠要給自己希望。當你有這個希望的時候﹐才會更快樂。你永遠都會覺得會不會有意想不到的事情發生在你身上﹐這樣的世界才會充滿期 待﹐人才會找到活下去的動力。我這樣講會不會太嚴肅啊﹖哈哈。
Jerry : I don’t think so. Please don’t think that way, we must always give ourselves hope. When you have such a hope, you can be happy more easily. You should always have the mindset that unexpected things will happen to you and so the world is full of anticipations. And we can live with more motivations in Life. Do I sound very solemn speaking this way? Ha ha!
玲 ﹕現在期待遇到怎麼樣的愛情﹖
Ling : What kind of Love do you anticipate having?
旭 ﹕是怎樣的。。。。。。是怎樣的﹖看到她會不由自主地開心﹐不會因為他的身份﹑外在條件﹐就是很單純地覺得開心。
Jerry : What kind . . . . . .how it should be? When I see her I can’t help but be happy. And it’s not because of her status or any outwardly appearance, just simply being happy.
玲 ﹕王子和公主沒有辦法有童話的結局﹐是因為環境﹖還是因為時機﹖相遇得太早﹖
Ling : The Prince and Princess are unable to have a fairy tale ending, is it because of the circumstance? Or was it timing? Or perhaps they’ve met each other too early on?
旭 ﹕哈。誒。。。。。。
Jerry : Ha, oh . . . . . . .
玲 ﹕現在身處的環境蠻難有空間允許一個很美麗很童話的愛情存在吧﹖有很多阻礙﹖
Ling : At your present circumstance, it’s not quite possible to have a beautiful and fairy tale like love? Too many obstacles?
旭 ﹕誒。。。。。。很多事情﹐過去了就回不來了吧。唔﹐那也沒有辦法具體說出一個所以然誒。
Jerry : Oh . . . . .many things happened and what has past can no longer be same. It’s difficult to pinpoint a certain cause.
玲 ﹕這麼美的童話﹐這麼相愛的兩個人﹐卻不能在一起。我讀的時候﹐覺得感動又感傷。
Ling : A beautiful fairy tale, two persons falling in love but yet are unable to be together. When I read that, I was touched and saddened.
旭 ﹕不會啊不會啊。我們永遠都在心裡面有一個感謝啊。其實每一段感情就算以後分手﹐應該在心底都給對方一個很深的祝福﹐我覺得就夠了。人生本來就有很多的無 奈嘛。沒有一件事情是我們一定可以控制的。但我覺得那個祝福就很棒啊。就是因為有那個很棒的在心裡面的祝福﹐或許哪一天突然在街上遇到﹐反而我們會會心一 笑﹐其實也是很美的啊。
Jerry : No, not at all. We will always have thanks in our hearts. Actually in love even if it ends in separation, within our hearts we should still wish the other happiness. I think it’s enough. In Life, there are many things are beyond our control. And nothing is definitely as we wish so I feel that wishing the other happiness is wonderful. It’s because we have such well-wishes for each other in our hearts, perhaps if one day we meet on the street, we may just smile and know in our hearts. That is in fact very beautiful in itself.
The most beautiful fairy tale is that the Prince and the Princess end up together.
Perhaps later on, at a certain day, the both may meet again. It may be in at corner which is but 100 metres away from planet B12.
He said, ‘It because I really love her so I let her leave. If you truly love someone, you should understand this.’
She said, ‘In this world, he has been the best to me.’
When they talk about each other later on, when they about each other to friends, they would shed tears . . . . . .
Unable to give the other happiness and yet deep within their hearts, they wish each other happiness.
The Little Prince shall always feel for that one and only rose.
still to be continued.....
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