If transferring, please no alternation of my post, as the readers in TW were misleded by the news and I don't want overseas fans are treated the same. Thanks.
credits to kkla@nbbbs.com
poster posted by sandyjerry@nbbbs.com
Nov. 7, 2008
China Times
Yan Cheng Xu, ZZ -Copyright Sale Per Episode: 1 million
May Compete on Gong Shi
It was reported that the 2008 Taipei Film and Drama Festival was held on Nov 6. Both the copyright sales of Yan Cheng Xu and ZZ's dramas have reached about 1 million (about US$30,000) per episode. As it is possible that Yan Cheng Xu's Starlit will be broadcasted on Gong Shi (a public channel in TW), Yan and ZZ may compete for better ratings on the same channel in the future.
(next 2 paragraphs were about ZZ's new drama, only extracted the important information)
"the executive producer of Jerk and Hero stated, '...We have started establishing the marketing plan for overseas copyright, and it is planed to be broadcasted on Gong Shi in April next year.' "
Regarding Yan Cheng Xu's Starlit, its poster was also posted at CCTV's booth, and Gong Shi is very interested in getting its broadcast copyright in TW. In addition, Skip Beat, will be played by Yan Cheng Xu and Lin Yi Chen, will start filming later this month. As their popularity is high overseas, there were a lot of requiry as well.
kkla: The title and the first paragraph were totally misleading. According to the executive producer of Jerk and Hero, they only ask for the price of US30,000 per episode, but for Jerry's Starlit, the overseas broadcast copyright was successfully sold for US30,000 per episode even before it started filming. We all know that there is a big difference between asking for a price and actually sold it with the price. I don't care what kind of marketing strategies others use, as long as they don't attach/use Jerry with their plan.
Also, heard from fans in TW, Gong Shi is a public channel that it doesn't concern about ratings at all and usually it is more interested in the dramas which are more educational/meaningful. However, the size of audience may be smaller than CTV/CTS'.
For the general idol drama audiences, Starlit may not be as "tasty" as others, as it does not include a lot of outrageous/funny or sexy scenes. However, if it is broadcasted on Gong Shi, may be audiences will paymore attention on Jerry's acting.
I also heard that Starlit will be also played on NHK, Japan and CCTV, China. Can't wait to see this drama since Jerry's acting in Hot shot so impressed me (especially the ending episode). And feel very happy for Jerry, he really deserved all these success since He put a lot of efforts on his career. Best wishes to him!