The cast and crew of Taiwanese romantic-comedy drama series, Down With Love, which includes the likes of Jerry Yan, Ella Chen, Xiao Xiao Bin, Kelly Huang, and Michael Zhang, trooped down to Kaohsiung and spent a memorable White Valentine's Day with fans in the area. Although the weather was scorching hot last Sunday, there was a surprising turnout of more than a thousand fans.
33-year-old Jerry was reminded of his sad past in Kaohsiung when he was still a marine soldier many years ago. His girlfriend left him and Jerry confessed that he had "a very painful time" and even wanted to "jump into the sea and commit suicide." The dashing actor wanted to win his girlfriend over with a proposal but faced rejection from her.
Putting his unhappy past behind him, Jerry said, "Today is supposed to be a happy day. Let's not talk about unhappy matters."
In one of the chapters from Jerry's upcoming photobook, 9314 Man and Boy, the heartthrob briefly mentioned about "her" and felt that he was "too childish, too in love" and decided to part ways with "her" as he wanted her to have better options.
The "her" mentioned in Jerry's book is speculated to be Taiwanese super model-actress, Lin Chi-ling. Jerry refuted the speculations saying, "I have never said that it was her."
And does he intend to pursue her?
"This is not fair for her. Her happiness is the most important; she might have a pretty good catch. Constantly talking about her will create troubles for her."
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